Why to be part of the XI International Congress of Silvopatoral Systems and I Congress of the Global Network on Silvopastoral Systems?


The XI International Congress of Silvopastoral Systems and I Congress of the Global Network on Silvopastoral Systems, XI CISSP – I CRGSSP, will allow you to be part of the discoveries, innovations and practices that are revolutionizing efficient and sustainable food production.

This important event, celebrating its 22nd anniversary, honours the work carried out by innovative producers from Latin America and the Caribbean in conjunction with the scientific community, and will now also include a group of researchers from around the world. The Congress seeks to promote and facilitate the exchange of experiences and innovations between producers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and all those interested in the environmental, productive, animal welfare, and health related food topics, all of which are relevant aspects for a society that is increasingly demanding access to high quality products of animal origin, produced in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.

Participants will become acquainted with the best experiences and benefits of Silvopastoral Systems developed in Mexico, other Latin American countries and the world, connecting with expert producers and researchers in the field of sustainable livestock production, technological innovation and practical action. The congress will have two novel themes. On the one hand, the progress of generational change in livestock production in different countries will be shared, including the way in which young people assume a decisive participation in the change towards sustainability. On the other hand, participants will benefit from the immense cultural wealth of the host country, cultural expressions and their link to livestock production will highlight the deep roots and values of the rural life.

Silvopastoral systems, which integrate trees, shrubs, palms, grasses and legumes, among other plants, increase the amount of forage, allowing in turn higher animal load and a considerably higher milk and meat production per animal. In addition, silvopastoral systems reduce soil erosion, increase its fertility, and provide different habitats for animals that recycle manure, and consumers of livestock pests and ectoparasites, among others. This, in turn, reduces the need to invest in external inputs such as fertilizers, dewormers, and herbicides. Finally, sustainable forest products of excellence with market value can also be incorporated into such systems. The available data and positive experiences of these systems at the local, regional and international levels, buttress a thrust to promote the transition to sustainable livestock production as part of a model that contributes to meeting the goal of reducing greenhouse gases and the fight against climate change. The adoption of silvopastoral systems on a large scale will represent a significant contribution to mitigating climate change, thanks to the reduction of methane production by cows and the fixation of carbon in stable deposits. The challenge in this regard is great and for this reason there is an urgent need to involve the participation of the public, private and academic sectors as well as civil society in this process. Small, medium and large producers of all regions of the country will play a key role in this transition. The XI International Congress of Silvopastoral Systems and I Congress of the Global Network on Silvopastoral Systems, Mexico 2021, will be of utmost importance for this aim.

If this pandemic caused by the SARS COV 2 virus has taught us anything, it is that the world urgently needs ways to produce food and other goods and services that are respectful of the environment and biodiversity. Join this experience of innovation and participate in the construction of the livestock of the future!

The Congress will take place from November 3 to 5, 2021 virtually and will include visits to virtual streamed Silvopastoral experiences in operation.